Apr 10, 2012

Random. Loves.

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hai girls hai boys. How are you? Goshhhh, long time me not been here. Sampaikan tadi boleh stuck macam mana nak login blog ni, Muahaha. Quite long time right since my last post  about a few months ago. Well, happy holiday to me. Happy holiday friends. Dah seminggu cuti baru nak wish kan? Haha.

Today I'm so happy. You know why? Because it's 10th tehee. Thank you for the loveable conversation last night dear.

Actually, I have so many things to be told. Yes, too many. I just need some more time and promise, I will tell you what was going with my life about a months ago.  Till then, nothing more to wish. Just, have a wonderful April everyone. Keep smiling, you're beautiful. Much loves!

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